Peggy Phoenix Dubro
Living Energetically Aware

EMF Reunion & Kryon Event “In Person” 2 Evolutionary Events!
October 2024, Argentina

Dearest Ever-Evolving Evolutionary,

EMF Balancing Technique Reunion!
Value: $111 USD

YES! We have an exciting in-person reunion planned for October 11, 2024 in Argentina. Let’s meet in Buenos Aires. During this precious time together, we will nourish one another energetically and renew our sense of community, and more. We will explore where we are now and our next evolutionary steps. Abundant smiles and hugs in the love that has no beginning and no end are guaranteed!

The Universal Calibration Lattice – 12 New Fibers of Light!

Surprise! As I was planning what we would do for this reunion, my whole energy field started to vibrate and calibrate in a way I had never experienced. Suddenly there were 12 more fibers of light and energy activated within my Lattice! I did not even have a hint this was coming. We now have 36 fibers of light, just as we have 36 templates of light.

These fibers of light and energy are being tuned through several planetary and galactic events, including the powerful solar activity especially during this month of May.

An Essential Activation for the Great Evolution

Together we will officially activate these 12 new fibers of light and energy within our Lattice. This activation is life-enriching for each one of us. Our multidimensional practice of mastery is about to become more profound and amplified. In many ways the foundations for the new human are in place, personally and collectively. We are ready!

Kryon Event!
The New Human – Initiating the Next Generation of Old Souls
Value: $225 USD until July 31, 2024
($254 USD from August 1, 2024)

This is a continuation of the frequencies we will initiate on Friday. I will still be “live and in-person” for this Kryon event. ;-) Lee Carroll and Monika Muranyi will be live-streamed to this event. They will be with us at the beginning of each day, teaching and channelling the energies and information specifically for this Kryon gathering. Throughout the day we will continue with the energies set into motion by Kryon, as channelled by Lee and Ahnya, as I channel several times throughout the event.

We will joyfully generate two powerful days of discovery and empowerment. The weekend is designed to be inspiring, enlightening and rejuvenating.

  • Explore the new dynamics of the Universal Calibration Lattice
  • Experience Our Universal Heart! Master Activation
  • Learn about the new dynamics of light and energy using the Anyons particles’ dynamic of braiding
  • Practice using Phoenix energy tools
  • And of course, abundant smiles and hugs in the love that has no beginning and no end!

For more information (incluidng payment plans) and to register, please contact the organizer at:

Of course, I shared my feelings about these two events in October and some of what will be presented there! I was interviewed by Alberto Perez on his popular radio show, Cambio de Vida. Graciela Bermejo was the translator for this interview. If you have the time, have a listen! As usual, there is a quick activation toward the end of the recording.
Special Note: Alberto is writing a book about “just crazy enough” me, and expects to have it ready for these events.

Heart to Heart in Infinite Love,
Peggy Phoenix Dubro

PS The 17 hours of travel required to be in-person at this event was a challenge for Lee at this time. We have talked about us doing this event since 2018. Each year we started to plan to travel to South America to actually see everyone, some life situation would happen and we would say “next year”. So – from our heart to yours – this is how we are finally doing this event.