Peggy Phoenix Dubro
Living Energetically Aware

Unique & United! Special Phoenix Spiral Group Energy Session
with Peggy Phoenix Dubro

Dear Ever Evolving Co-Creator,

Calling all Evolutionaries! The energetic adjustments – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually – for this time in the Great Evolution are real and … necessary! Throughout all the chaos and energetic shifts within our family of humanity, an opportunity for an evolutionary leap is present for all of us.

Usually, I focus on the step-by-step part. Now, I see a powerful potential for another quantum leap in our abilities to express ourselves as the wise, wholehearted, multidimensional beings we are. Personally and collectively, within the Field of All Life, it is essential we manifest stronger frequencies of uniqueness and unity now!

I am offering a profound Phoenix Spiral Group Energy Session.
Before the session, I will intuit ten energy patterns to support us as we honor ourselves and one another throughout this session’s calibrations. Then, during the session, I will observe the energy patterns we co-create together and translate those energy patterns into Phoenix Spiral patterns of light and energy. These patterns of light and energy will nurture and inspire us, as we continue to consciously evolve our unique expressions of peace-filled empowerment, honoring the Phoenix energy within all of us.

You know how this works: We make our evolutionary leap, and then we inspire others to evolve according to their inner wisdom!

Heart to Heart in Infinite Love,
Peggy Phoenix Dubro

Unique & United! Special Phoenix Spiral Group Energy Session
with Peggy Phoenix Dubro

In English with Spanish translation – Watch the recording!


- Special Tuition: $47.00
(Regular Tuition: $67.00)


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Step #1: Send us your participant information by filling in this Google form

Step #2: Make a single payment of $47.00:

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NOTE: Your registration will only be finalised when you have completed BOTH of the above Steps.