Peggy Phoenix Dubro
Living Energetically Aware

The energetic patterns for financial well-being are very active now. There are so many programs being offered.
Here is my/our contribution to this essential transformation.
We can do this!

Living Energetically Aware
New Master Activation
Wealth! Well-Being! Currency Consciousness!
Prosperity, Phoenix Style

Three More Unique “On the Go” Activations

Dearest Evolutionary Co-Creator,

Our next Universal Expressions are divinely designed to open new channels of purposeful prosperity. We are ready to know the deeper multidimensional nature of financial flow. Peace-filled empowerment includes our recalibration and integration of wealth wisdom!

A Universal Expression is a new frequency of coherence that enriches your perceptions of what it means to live energetically aware. It is a complex energy pattern, designed to increase your ability to powerfully and clearly “speak” the language of energy. The practice of authentic mastery includes the ability to translate energy into usable knowledge in daily life.

The Next Three Universal Expressions:
Wealth! Well-Being! Currency Consciousness!
Prosperity, Phoenix Style

#7 Universal Expression: Wealth! “On-the-Go” Activation
Recalibrate your wealth frequencies! Activate new multidimensional channels of wealth within the abundant universe. Go beyond the old limitations and beliefs regarding wealth. Explore the richness of your conscious presence within the Field of All Life!

#8 Universal Expression: Well-Being! “On-the-Go” Activation
Using the Anyons energy dynamic, we will braid various aspects of well-being and purposeful prosperity. In honor, elevate your cultural and ancestral expressions of prosperity. Initiate the activation of an ever-evolving, healthy, loving relationship with the energies of wealth and prosperity.

#9 Universal Expression: Currency Consciousness! “On-the-Go” Activation
Most of us are aware the expression of money is evolving. We agree that money is energy, and that the reference to money as currency is appropriate. This activation is intended to open your heart and mind to generate inspirational insights regarding currency, and how to open to the opportunities presented as we seek to have sustainable, ethical, and evolutionary wealth and well-being, personally and collectively.

This is a reminder that these Universal Expressions support your increasing skillfulness in directing your energy as you choose. Being and doing become more balanced and fluid, as you practice your mastery in this way.

As Always

This Master Activation is a new energetic tool designed so that you can use this activation for yourself and others right away. You will receive a Certificate of Recognition as a “Wealth! Well-Being! Currency Consciousness! Prosperity, Phoenix Style” Master Activator for this ongoing groundbreaking energy work.

There are no other requirements after you finish this brief course; you will have the knowledge and energetic skills to activate others. You will also receive the PowerPoint and documents for this activation and lifetime access to the course videos. You can give your family, friends, or clients the activation. You can also teach others how to give this activation. Your students will be known as Activators.


We always enjoy one another in these activations! These events are in a meeting format so that you may interact with one another. We stand together, side by side, and encourage one another to be as strong and bright as we can be!

Heart to Heart in Infinite Love Always,
Peggy Phoenix Dubro

PS For those of you who have completed the Teacher of Teachers Master Activation Series, you can give the activations, teach others to give the activations, and teach others how to teach the activations. Those who learn how to teach the activation will be known as Master Activators.

Living Energetically Aware
New Master Activation
Wealth! Well-Being! Currency Consciousness!
Prosperity, Phoenix Style

Imagine … Innovate … Evolve
The Next Three Unique Activations

This Master Activation series is presented by Peggy Phoenix Dubro, the originator of this work.

In English with Spanish translation – Watch the recordings!

This three-session course includes 3 video recordings and access to private Facebook support page

You will also receive a Certificate of Recognition as a “Wealth! Well-Being! Currency Consciousness! Prosperity, Phoenix Style” Master Activator for this evolutionary energy work.

Please note: These next three “on the go” precise activations can be used separately or with the first six. It is your choice whether you have the first six or not. Each set of three activations has unique frequencies to use as you choose.

Wealth! Well-Being! Currency Consciousness!
Prosperity, Phoenix Style
Master Activation:

Session 1: Experience and Co-Create! Initial Activation for YOU (Recorded)

In this first session, you will experience the first version of the “Wealth! Well-Being! Currency Consciousness! Prosperity, Phoenix Style” activations. We are co-creators in this process. Then, I will be guided to make any energetic adjustments as the activation is reviewed and finalized throughout the week. During this time, you will have the video recording to refer to as you prepare for our next session.

Session 2: Transmit! Activation for YOU and OTHERS (Recorded)

In this second activation session, the purest energy patterns are transmitted directly to you in a well-calibrated final version at the highest level of coherence. Working with the energy patterns initiated in Session 1, the activation will be fully energized.

You are answering a universal invitation to know and become more of who you are. Your expression of wise, wholehearted, multidimensional YOU is evolving. You may be inspired with new innovative ways to contribute to the transformation of our family of humanity. To inspire in this way is an expression of compassionate action, and is essential in the Great Evolution now.

The day before this session, you will receive the documents of the completed Master Activation. You can then use this Master Activation to give a session to yourself and others. You will be able to naturally and easily transmit these activations of “Wealth! Well-Being! Currency Consciousness! Prosperity, Phoenix Style” to others. These activations may be given as a gift to friends and family or offered as a professional service to clients in your practice. This is a “Phoenix Style” energy tool, easy to do and profound in its effect.

Session 3: Teach! Activations and Alignments for YOU and OTHERS (Recorded)

In this loving and honoring session, we will activate the deeper energetic alignments associated with each activation. The alignments will deepen your understanding and integration of the evolutionary energy patterns and frequencies generated in these three brief and precise activations.

If you choose to teach, then you can transmit clearly and simply the activations of “Wealth! Well-Being! Currency Consciousness! Prosperity, Phoenix Style”. Know you will teach and transmit the powerful dynamics and deeper communications of this work. These activations raise the frequency of the individual to support them in their choice to live life energetically aware.

Those you teach will then be able to transmit this activation to others; you are the Master Activator, and your students are Activators. The transmission may be a gift to friends and family or an additional professional service to clients in your practice. You will receive the downloadable documents with the complete instructions for transmitting the alignments in the same way I have transmitted them to you, dearest Co-Creator! You will also receive the PowerPoint program for this activation and have lifelong access to the videos.

As always, in this time of the Great Evolution of human consciousness, you are a student and a teacher. Even if you are your only student, participating in these sessions increases your ability to communicate in the language of energy, both with others and within yourself. The energetic language of these activations and alignments is the primary way we communicate during these events. We will continue to evolve our ability to communicate in this way … in the spirit of Infinite Love.

For those of you who have completed the Teacher of Teachers Master Activation Series, you can give the activations, teach others to give the activations, and teach others how to teach the activations. Those who learn how to teach the activation will be known as Master Activators.

These activations are meant to be experienced by as many co-creators as possible. If you are not yet a Teacher of Teachers for these Master Activation Series, the course is available online when you are ready.


Bundle of all 3 Sessions:
- Special Tuition: $133.00
(Regular Tuition: $188.00)


To register, please complete both of the Steps below:

Step #1: Send us your participant information by filling in this Google form

Step #2:

Option 1: Make a single payment of $133.00:

Option 2: Set up a payment plan (3 x $48 = $144.00):

NOTE: Your registration will only be finalised when you have completed BOTH of the above Steps.